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Hey hopey!
This whole page is going to be for you and just a dedication for you before you move! Enjoy!

You said you wanted to be on my shout out page but this is better!
I don't know what to write about for a whole page... lol!
So i'll just say what a great person you are.. You have heard this all many times but why not make a page for you..  You make me smile and so many other people smile.... you are a fun loving bouncy person and you are always sop full of energy to do things. Your dedication to things is awsome.. Math and Social wouldnt be the same with out you!!! And thats for sure...
Here is what other people said about you when i asked them... if you coould say one last thing to hope before she moved what would it be....

Hope, i sure will miss ya, i cant believe that u have to leave already, i fucking hate this feelin that i have left inside me, its like a part of me is going with u, and part of u is stayin with me. Please keep in touch when u leave, and remember, u want a piece of strawberry milk? - Tim

Hey hope i really don't want you to leave your the bestest football buddy in hte world. me and you tried our hardest to make it to every single game ,well to the games that wherre in town. We even went when it was freezing cold and we couldn't even see the football feild but that didn't matter we were still having a blast. so you better keep in contact or i'll come to ontario and find you and beat you up. jk lol. well i'll miss yopu lots luv ya jen.

good riddance!!!!!!!..................... jus jks jus jks!!! hope you rock!! your presence although small in stature is big in heart and will be missed!! ill have to find someone else to pick on now! who i can just simply hold back by a simple hand to the forehead if they try to attack!!!! your a bright light when ppl need it most! your never sad!! at least not that i remember! if you were, the ratio of happy to sad made me forget all about those bad days!!!! you know your around cause you hear laughter and can almost feel that infectious smile nearby!!! HOPE MARIE YOU WILL BE MISSED!!!!!!! BY ME BY ALL!!!!! like tim said when you leave there will be no hope! good ol tim! but wait what am i saying! im gonna slash your tires and steal your engine then throw it off a bridge REMEMBER! there is no escaping! once youve moved here theres no turning back! try as you might to be rid of us! you cant! lol ya hope as ive said b4 hope is dope like soap on a rope! and ill miss ya! - JESSE FREAKIN D!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! boo yeah!

hey hope!! i know ive written so many o these...but whats one more eh? lol. u wanna piece o this??!! haha good times.  I'll never forget how much fun we've had jus being retards...its been fun with you no matter what the situation.  ur a fun girl, and ur AWESOME!! we rock..i must say, lol.  I enjoy spending time with you, and will hopefully be able to do it more in the future, when u come back fo course, lol ;)  and i know that everyone else has really enjoyed haveing you as their friend, ur so nice and awesome to be around. i really hope you do have fun in ontario, but u know u never have to hesitate to come back!! WE LOVE U HOPEY!!!  its been GREAT!  im excited for u to come back so we can be a band and be with one...some...all that we can...haha!! don't be gone too long!! ull always have a home here!! kelsey! ;)

 Hey Hopey!! So sad your leaving >_<. Your the coolest, funniest, caring person in the WHOLE world! in the short time you've been here we had some fun times...football games, math class... they will never be the same without you. I miss you already!! Dont forget the little people like me when your gone....and maybe famous... :D Mandy
Hope! We first met on the first day of school in first period drama!!!! We became friends there, and it grew more cause of our love of COBRA TIGHT ENDS!!! GO TIGHT ENDS!!! I've never met anyone else who can get soooooo excited at Football/basketballl games, and I'll miss cheering with you!! Make sure to get your ass back here for football season next year!!! Just remember all the times in drama Coach Malloy, and us skipping whenever we could and walking around the hallways. Oh, and taking pics of hot guys, and you stalking "Tall basktball players." lol, those were great times, and you know, we'll have tons of more great times!!!! I'll miss you hopey!! ::hugs:: Have a safe trip, and talk to you on MSN!!! Cheryl
So Your really going and it's sad but true,
we only knew you for a short time
but that time seemed like forever
well never forget the football games
or the notes in math calss!!
or all the times we laughed
but when you come back
and you damn well better
well laugh some more and
pass some notes
and try to keep you here
but while your gone
we all promise to remember
your laughs
 you jokes
your kooky smile and all
cus you were are friend
friends are like family
some leave
but never get forgotton!!
Luv ya Babe!!
Have fun in ontario!!




Hope lookin' HOT!


Hope lookin' cute!

Hope, I never got to know you well, but the sides  I've seen, I've been inspired by. You always see so comfortable being yourself. It's totally great. I hope life for you will be filled with fun and laughter. You have a beautiful smile. God Bless, Miriam
Jeremiah 29:11 "For I know the plans i have for you " says the LORD "They are plans for good and not disaster, to give you a future and hope!"
It has been said and so it stands, you only make a once in a life time friend. I've been through alot, as have you-and together I believe we understand the concept of losing.    It's so easy to invite someone into your life; It's so easy to understand friendship. To accept that person and that they want to be your friend. -You share your ut most deepest secrets and memories of past times, as you're in the midst of making new ones. You drench yourself in happiness as you swim in a sea of smiles and giggles, wondering what next. There are so many reasons to be happy and content, so many weapons with which to battle depression and saddness. - The clocks move their hands, their ticks like drops of rain falling on our ears, reminding us.... we can wish all we want, but we can't keep tomorrow away. -It hurts because I fear the pain of a bleeding heart has no comparison to the jaged edges of my friendship.      Tonight I say goodbye to a new begining...and, it hurts.
   Emptyness has its own expression. It is not hollow nor invisible, it cannot con-cure fears and does not create empowerment. Emptyness is not buried deep within treasured seas but can take a lifetime to find. There is no logic behind emptyness -but,  you'll know when it's there
  As you leave you will take with you the colors you've placed into our lives - but also with you are the memories that have been created. You will always hold a special place in my patched heart. Forget me not! -   Nadine
See hope how much of an impact you have made on your friends... they love you this much to have this much to say... there is more comming ive talked to lots of ppl... thats why you had to turn around yesterday someone asked me about it lol!! well you wanted to be on ly shout outs.. this is better
Love you always!!!
If ANYONE wants to say something to hope just e-mail it to me and ill put it on here!! onlyme_1313@hotmail.com

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